
Showing posts from May, 2022

Seeking Loose Spirits

Hello, ducklings.             If my note on Quarrelsome Women wasn't enough of a giveaway, I have been buried up to my bountiful bosom in research on the Salem witch trials. Why have I been cartwheeling down this well worn path? Because I hate myself, apparently. I'm joking (kind of). I decided to write a novel and I chose one of the lesser known but terribly interesting victims of the trials as my central protagonist.              Why would I say I hate myself? To start, I am not a historian. I'm a hobbyist. I don't have the patience or education to decipher seventeenth century handwriting or make sense of the non-standard spellings used. Praise Danu for the advent of standardized spelling and the Palmer method of penmanship. I will say that, particularly in the case of Salem, trying to recreate the dialect based how certain words are spelled in the transcripts has been a fun challenge for someone who is obsessed with language, which I am. I can definitely see the bu

Quarrelsome Women

  Quarrelsome Women A Poem by C. P. Crowley   We are the Daughters of Lilith The True first Woman The first to refuse to be cowed The first woman to demand equality The first to make her voice heard We are the Witches of antiquity So called because we refused to accept our lot in life Because we dared to challenge the Will of God To challenge the Will of Men Because we dared to live life on our own terms We are the Children of Loki The Queer Ones, the Lesbians, the Bisexuals We are Cisgendered and we are Trans We ignore the so-called Natural Order And live and love as our hearts tell us We are the Mothers Who chose our families, by marriage, birth or friendship And we are the ones who cannot or choose not to have this We are the ones who choose to walk a solitary path But may we never forget that we are not alone We are the Quarrelsome Women We are the ones who raise our voices We are the ones who stand up for those who cannot raise theirs We are All Co