Quarrelsome Women


Quarrelsome Women

A Poem by C. P. Crowley


We are the Daughters of Lilith
The True first Woman
The first to refuse to be cowed
The first woman to demand equality
The first to make her voice heard

We are the Witches of antiquity
So called because we refused to accept our lot in life
Because we dared to challenge the Will of God
To challenge the Will of Men
Because we dared to live life on our own terms

We are the Children of Loki
The Queer Ones, the Lesbians, the Bisexuals
We are Cisgendered and we are Trans
We ignore the so-called Natural Order
And live and love as our hearts tell us

We are the Mothers
Who chose our families, by marriage, birth or friendship
And we are the ones who cannot or choose not to have this
We are the ones who choose to walk a solitary path
But may we never forget that we are not alone

We are the Quarrelsome Women
We are the ones who raise our voices
We are the ones who stand up for those who cannot raise theirs
We are All Colors and all Faiths
We are Many and we are One

Author's Notes: The most common accusation levied against women in the European witch hunts and the Salem Witch trials was being a "quarrelsome woman". What they called a "quarrelsome woman" we would call a woman who refuses to take anyone's... feces. A quarrelsome woman refused to accept her garbage lot in life. It's why, if you read about the old witch hunts, you'll notice the women accused are often financially secure spinsters or ornery widows. 

Today, we revere woman like this. We write books and screenplays about them. We create fictional characters that embody their spirits to inspire other women. Goddess Bless the Quarrelsome Women! 


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