Wisdom of the Kitchen Witch

This was not the post I had planned for this Samhain Eve. I had this whole thing about the beauty of death and decay that autumn represents, but this one hit me this morning and I thought it was slightly more pertinent to more people. (Note: I typically need a full bottle of red wine under my belt to wax this philosophical, but I assure you that I am completely sober.) When making my coffee today, I thought I would grab my mom's old kitchen witch mug. It being one of the most important Sabbats for those of us who honor the old ways, I though she was appropriate. What I didn't think about until my first few sips of the magic bean water was all that she represents to me and what that means in the grand scheme of everything. She's been in my family for almost as long as I have been alive. We moved from Chicago, IL to Salem, MA in March of 1985. I was about 4 and half at the tim...