Hello, ducklings.

Full disclosure, I hate introductions. I never know what to say that doesn't make me sound like a narcissist and I suck at small talk, so let's keep this bit short. I'm 41, I've been writing since I was 16 and I will NOT tell you what the C.P. is short for. It's a pretentious pen name I came up with during a weird Celtic goth phase when I was in high school. I live in Massachusetts but am most desirous to move to Southern California (preferably West Hollywood). 

Why on earth am I even bothering with this? Because every creative person needs an outlet. We're fortunate to live in the age of blogs, social media and other artist controlled avenues. I started in the age zines. It wasn't that easy to get your work out there. 

What am I working on right now? A few months ago I discovered the insanely gifted composer Jack Parton (aka Dirk Caber) and his music has been fueling a few projects. I am in the middle of a short story inspired by his piece Metamorphoses. I have also outlined 6 stories for his piece Barcarole (I'm gunning for 10). I will eventually get something written for Edification and Amusement instead of just tapping round my apartment to it. 

So that's me in a nutshell. I'll be getting my Metamorphoses up sometime this week. My goal is to post something every week. Be it a short story, a poem or just one of my weird observations (those are always plentiful). Hopefully, I can stick to it as I am notoriously bad at sticking to my own schedule and deadlines. (I need a grown up!) 

Later, ducklings.

C.P. Crowley


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