Someone Else's God - A Poem

 Thoth and Seshat call to me
And tell me to seek knowledge 
And share what I have learned
But someone else tells me
"My God says no"

Loki calls to me
And teaches me the importance
Of chaos in maintaining balance
But, again, someone else tells me
"My God says no"

Aphrodite, Freya and Oshun call to me
And help me find beauty and love
Within myself, within others and in the Divine
Someone else tells me
"No. My God doesn't work that way."

My Gods don't need to make threats to keep me
They lead by example
Teaching me to think, to love, to lead
They teach me how to be human
Someone else's God has a lot to learn

This is what' it's like trying to explain my spiritual beliefs to others... to "someone else". Someone else can't relate, so they tell me I'm wrong. It's exhausting. 


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